SFD Stickers

Software Freedom Day is closing in... 2 weeks to go, and we'll be celebrating Digital Freedoms everywhere around the world! In the past, people have asked for swag and stickers. So we decided to send out a surprise to the early signups for our event and print some stickers. The stickers we printed are all in English, but with the design made available, you can print them with the text in your own language!
So if you would like to have stickers at your local event... they print out great on a transparent plastic (ideally, the top text is white), but will work on white too.
They'll probably work well on any size, we printed them on 10cm and 5cm circles (roughly 4" and 2")
You can download the master file under this article. It's an SVG-file with a language per layer. Add a layer with your own language!
The text is set in Ubuntu Monospaced, but feel free to use Victor Mono or another free Monospaced font of your choice.
- Previous article: Celebrating Software Freedom Day 2024
- Next article: Art for Digital Freedom Huion Challenge 2024
Spanish version added to sticker
More languages are welcome!