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Location information

Rue Osseghem - Osseghemstraat 53
1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean - Sint-Jans-Molenbeek
The Hackerspace Main Room
Smaller meeting room
Just outside the hackerspace

Located in a historical office building, HSBXL is a collaborative community space of about 170 square meters. It's a place for creative and constructive hackers of all kinds – tech enthusiasts, tinkerers, artists, and anyone interested in pushing the boundaries of technology.

There's a workshop area, a decent electronics lab with over 9000 components, a couple of 3D printers, a library, and lots of tools in our “heavy corner”.
You're always welcome to come over and follow one of the workshops or attend the weekly Tuesday meetings, co-working days, hack nights, or other events.

Curious about what of kind tools, devices, and machines we have in our space? Read more on our tools page.

Upcoming events