Don't want to read it all? SFD Is more important than ever! This year, the challenge is to have 100 teams participate. Your team can be one of them. Register now!

Software Freedom Day is our party! But like everything else, we love to share this with everyone interested. For this year, we're reaching out to some great sponsors (details will follow). Last year, the number of events went up from 33 to 49. Let's aim for 100 events in 2024! For this, your help is needed. To all you Free, Libre and Open Source Software enthusiasts out there, we say: register your event soon, and encourage others to also join in.

It's more important than ever to celebrate Software Freedom Day this year! It fills us with pride to witness people from all around the world coming together to celebrate, collaborate, and support each other in using and improving Free Software solutions. In today’s world, the significance of using and developing Free Software has become even more important. With governments imposing restrictions on access to services through sanctions or censorship, and the rapid evolution of AI solutions, it is crucial that we reassess our priorities and inform the public about the benefits of Software Freedom. The only way to counter enshittification, is through Free Software offerings.

So you'd like to join, but don't know where to start?

As a team, we encourage you to select one or a few topics that are most relevant to your context and interests. Let’s come together to celebrate Software Freedom Day and make a positive impact on the future of Free, Libre and Open Source software.

Software Freedom Day can also be a great opportunity to reach out to the wider community and let new people discover your organization, to collaborate with like minded groups in your area or to show the world what is already possible with Free Software!

Join us in this global celebration of Software Freedom and help us create a world where Free Software is embraced and valued by all. For more information about Software Freedom Day and its significance, please visit the Software Freedom Day website.


Software Freedom Day is typically celebrated on the third Saturday of September. So this year, it's September 21st.

Is this a hard date? You could compare it with a birthday: if there are reasons to move it a bit back or forward because this means that you can reach more people, can combine it with another event, or because it collides with a national or religious celebration that is important for your society... Then by all means move the date to a better moment.