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DFF Horizont White

  • Sam

Nature Walk Open Talk for Software Freedom Day

Sam during the nature walk

Don't want to read it all? Sam organized Software Freedom Day for the very first time in 2024. And he had a different approach! Read further for his story!

  • L. Michaels

Software Freedom Day 2024 Highlights

Happy Software Freedom Day 2024. This page will share resources that SFD event planners can use during Software Freedom Day. It will also share highlights from world wide Software Freedom Day celebrations around the world. Use hashtag #SoftwareFreedomDay2024 or #SFD2024 to share information about Software Freedom Day on your favorite social media sites. Contact us through our #SoftwareFreedomDay matrix channel or our mailing list ( ) if you'd like links to your pictures, videos, articles and other Software Freedom Day resources added to this page. Find us on Mastodon at for updates on #SFD2024 from around the world.

  • Jurgen

Software Freedom Day overview 2024

Overview of the events organized in this year:

  • Jurgen

Celebrating Software Freedom Day 2024

A half an hour talk on the origins of the GNU manifesto and the birth of the GPL.

  • Jurgen

Talk on LibrePlanet 2024

Children running freely

In April, Jurgen gave a talk on LibrePlanet. It tries to give a summary of the past 20 years of Software Freedom Day and tells the direction the movement wants to go in.

  • Jurgen

Ten Ways to Make Your Software Freedom Day More Fun!

Image of a parade

Let's face it: while talks and workshops are informative, they can sometimes get a bit dry and boring. But Software Freedom Day (SFD) doesn't have to be a snooze-fest! Here are ten lively and engaging ways to inject fun and excitement into your SFD celebrations, whether you're planning a grand event or a cozy get-together.

  • Angélica M. Díaz Burgos

Love, Learning, and Libre: A Decade of Free Software Advocacy in Colombia

Logo SFD 2023 Bogota

It all started out of my curiosity, as I began to research operating systems. So, I took the liberty of contacting the people who were talking about free software in Bogotá, Colombia. One of the few that wanted to talk about this was Professor Luis Eduardo Cano. That day, he arrived at the cafeteria with a friend and Professor Luis Alejandro Bernal. We had a great afternoon, drank coffee and ate cake, and talked for hours. At the end they invited me to visit the free software community, which at that time did not even have a physical location, as we met in downtown Bogotá at a café-bar.

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