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DFF Horizont White

Software Freedom Day 2015 Hackerspace Brussels

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Software Freedom Day



Software Freedom Day?

Software Freedom Day is a worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Our goal in this celebration is to educate the worldwide public about the benefits of using high quality FOSS in education, in government, at home, and in businesses - in short: everywhere!


When you hear about hackers in the news, it's often about breaking into computers or networks. You won't find this here. A hackerspace is a place where people who love technology meet each other and get creative: discover new uses for existing technology, teach each other new things. As a ground rule, we all love to share what we know. We often organize workshops - most of them are open to everyone. In Brussels we have two hackerspaces (and some fablabs, a LUG and a makerspace), there are around ten in Belgium. See the site for more details.


14:00 Intro Intro to the hackerspace and the program of the day Ugo
14:10 Talk/showcase Open Source solutions for screencasts Jurgen
14:45 Workshop/Talk Vim-Qiuy: Text Editing With Chords Jonny
15:10 Talk/showcase Free Android with self-hosted services Ugo
15:35 Break - break before workshops - -
16:00 Workshop Host your own federated Messaging Server Friedger
16:40 Workshop Build web apps with React Ugo
17:20 Break - -
17:55 Workshop Tikz, Declarative Fraphic Making Awesome Jonny
18:15 Workshop Illustrate with Inkscape - Creating Vector Graphics Friedger
18:50 Dinner - -


Locatie informatie


Rue Osseghem - Osseghemstraat 53
1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean - Sint-Jans-Molenbeek

Located in a historical office building, HSBXL is a collaborative community space of about 170 square meters. It's a place for creative and constructive hackers of all kinds – tech enthusiasts, tinkerers, artists, and anyone interested in pushing the boundaries of technology.

There's a workshop area, a decent electronics lab with over 9000 components, a couple of 3D printers, a library, and lots of tools in our “heavy corner”.
You're always welcome to come over and follow one of the workshops or attend the weekly Tuesday meetings, co-working days, hack nights, or other events.

Curious about what of kind tools, devices, and machines we have in our space? Read more on our tools page.